First, today's outfit to start us off and then some blog-navel-gazing. The absurdly warm weather continues to persist, much to my delight.
oxford shirt: thrift -- shorts: thrift -- shoes: Urban Outfitters clearance -- suspenders: thrift -- earrings: Target, gift from Alex
One of the first pieces of advice that I read as a new blogger was "leave comments on other people's blogs." I took it to heart, and watched my traffic and comments increase. I sought out blogs like crazy, leaving enthusiastic comments with a level of detail that demonstrated that I had actually read the post and not just looked at the pictures.
Since then, I've watched my readership increase. Sometimes steadily, sometimes rapidly, and sometimes at a slow trickle. Lately, it's been that slow trickle, and I think I know why. That whole commenting thing? I've totally fallen off the wagon.
Every time I open my Bloglovin' reader, I'm greeted with "200 unread posts," give or take fifty. I have my "dailies" category that helps narrow things down, but it's always a Sisyphean task. The comments I leave aren't nearly as involved, either, and I think it's because I just can't possibly ever keep up with the number of blogs that I follow.
I'm a full-time student at a demanding university; I co-teach a class (one that you get actual credit for); I have weekly chores and tasks for my co-op house; I do all the reading for my classes; I sleep seven hours a night; I'm in a long-term serious relationship; I spend time with my friends; I go to yoga; I work four hours a week; and I have appointments, meetings, and errands every week. (Although I have to admit, that against many of my peers, I'm not even that busy.)
It's really, really hard to find time to blog, and it's even harder to find time to comment on other people's blogs. I love blogging for the community it gives me. I love reading other people's blogs. I keep blogging, even though it's totally insane for me to do so, because it's something I enjoy. It's a leisure activity. It relaxes me.
That said, I've gone from four outfit posts a week to three, stopped holding myself so stringently to my weekly feature, and cut down dramatically on the amount of commenting I do. I still can't keep up.
So what's a lady to do? I want to increase the readership of my blog, but that requires seeking out other bloggers and making connections. I don't mind that, I just don't have the time.
I think that it's worth more to have blogger-friendships than to have 400 followers who leave comments like "omg cute dress love it" if they comment at all. Not to say that those comments don't make me happy, because I still treasure every comment and marvel in the fact that anyone reads my blog. But those comments just aren't as meaningful as the ones that show a little bit of interest and time and kinship.
I entered the new year with the grand ambition to dramatically increase my readership here to the point where I might start to be able to sell sponsorship space. I figured that if I could make enough money blogging, I wouldn't have to work at my already minimal job, and could cross one commitment off of my litany of weekly tasks.
I don't think that's going to happen. It seems to me like explosive popularity is by and large random, and I like to think that I'm not blogging to be popular.
I'm blogging because I love style, thrifting, writing, and discourse. I'm not always going to be on top of comments, and there are times when it's even difficult to keep up with outfits. It's corny and a little weird, but I really treasure the friendships I've made through blogging. You all inspire me so much.