Sunday, December 26, 2010

Photo Sunday: Todd Hido


Todd Hido is one of the photographers whose work I always come back to. In his series of houses and apartments at night, Todd Hido manages to capture that uneasy calm that settles over suburbia after the sun goes down. Even his shots taken in the daytime seem to somehow convey that same unease.


Photography literally means "light writing," and Todd Hido exemplifies the possibilities of that meaning. He doesn't use lights or flashes. He works with the light already in a space. The light itself is essentially the subject of the photograph in many of his images.




Movies and literature have embedded within us the notion that a lone light in a dark landscape promises something. Alien landings, clandestine affairs, and other nocturnal goings-on. That tension and suspense colors all of Hido's work even as it fails to offer up any sort of strange happening. That is why I love it. It isn't about dramatic incidents. To me, it's about the strangeness of the mundane.



We hardly ever notice light until there is an absence of it.


P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway if you haven't yet! Extra entries if you tweet or re-blog :)


Olivia said...

Photo Sunday is my new favorite day of the week. I owe you :)

♥ Olivia

Ashley Chang said...

i love this!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

these are gorgeous, i love how theres such good use of light.

Coury Combs said...

You make me want short hair real bad!

Jenny Morris said...

"We hardly ever notice light until there is an absence of it." Your writing is so pretty! And these pictures are impressive...I always try and capture the light as it floods into my apartment as the sun is setting - and its incredible hard to do! My pictures never come out the same as it looks in real person. But with these it feels like I'm in the room.


TrophyBoutique said...

Oh I really love these photos. Have you seen Stephen Shore's photos? I bet you would love those too. Lots of stark 1970's landscapes...

callie said...

Another awesome choice. Such ordinary/mundane things can capture our attention just because of the way light is bouncing off them. So cool. I'm so glad you started this feature!

TrophyBoutique said...

Oh I really love these photos. Have you seen Stephen Shore's photos? I bet you would love those too. Lots of stark 1970's landscapes...